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The Silver Shad Fly

This shad fly is part of The Pfeiffer Collection.

This is another super easy fly to tie that can be customized with colors that work best for your water.

The Silver Shad Fly Pattern Materials:

Hook: Size 6 or 8
Thread: Red
Tail: Red Yarn
Body: Silver Mylar Braid
Wing: White Kip Tail
Head: Red


  1. Prepare the Hook:
    • Place the hook in the vice
  2. Tie in the Tail:
    • Take a small piece of red yarn and tie it in behind the eye and wrap thread towards the hook bend, covering the yarn.
    • Trim yarn short, about as long as the gap is wide, to create a small puff of a tail.
  3. Apply the Body:
    • Take the silver Mylar braid and tie it in at the butt of the fly.
    • Extend thread forward to just behind the eye, covering the mylar base.
    • Wrap the tag of the braid forward, covering the entire shank of the hook.
    • Leave a small gap at the hook eye for the head. Tie the braid off and cut any excess.
  4. Tie the Wing:
    • Cut a small bit of kip tail and tie in behind the eye, leaving enough room to build a head. The wing length should be just short of the tail
  5. Form the Head:
    • Build a small head
    • Whip-finish


  • Experiment with different colors of yarn and chenille to create variations of the Silver Shad fly.
  • Add flash materials like Krystal Flash or Mylar tinsel to the tail or body for extra attraction.
  • For a more durable fly, use heavier materials like bucktail or marabou for the tail.
  • Consider adding bead chain eyes to the hook to give the fly more weight and a more realistic appearance.

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