Below you will find a library of research papers, articles, etc that I have collected over the years on shad. Florida’s Shad and River Herrings Download Spawning habitats for American shad at the St. Johns River Florida- Potential for use in establishing MFLsDownload Habitat suitability index models and instream flow suitability curves- American shadDownload American Shad Sustainable Fishing Plan Update for Florida, St. Johns RiverDownload Atlantic Coast Diadromous Fish Habitat Ch2-5: Shad and River HerringDownload Appendix 12.C. Potential Withdrawal Effects On Anadromous Herrings- SJ2012-1_Appendix12-CDownload Review of the St. Johns River Water Supply Impact Study: Final ReportDownload Feeding Behavior of American Shad during Spawning Migration in the York River, VirginiaDownload Shad-Spawning-Suitability MapDownload