Quick post. I made the hike into the Econ from Snowhill yesterday after work and found fish. I did not get one to hand, but I jumped multiple shad. The water is LOW, but they are there. Look for depth and current.
I fished the ultralight and the little yellow EagleClaw fly rod, and hooked shad on both. In my haste, I grabbed the 3/4 from the quiver instead of the 5/6 and paid the price. There were fish feeding ever so slightly out of my reach at the Double Gator Pool, just downstream of the big gator’s tail (above.)
I used to like wading in at the head of the pool here, and casting downstream right into the eddy, but a willow tree fell just upstream a couple of years ago and fouled the back cast. I contemplated it today so I could single-hand Spey cast, but where was the second gator? This is the Double Gator Pool after all. Just as I was getting ready to step in, I saw her. Do you??? Close, real close… with her muddy back. Clever girl!

Sight fishing it was not, as the sun was low late in the day. With the water as low as it is, I am not sure it is going to be a year to sight fish for them anyway. If we get some rain, it may be a different story, but they are around.

Where is this? I’m new here. Thanks.
The Econlockhatchee River in Florida